Saturday, February 26, 2011

Buy Ketene!

Ketene is now available to militaries and exterminators around the world!
-Ketene is a colorless gas which has a very irritating odor.
-Ketene causes irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and lungs of humans.
-It is poisonous and is great for war!
-It is also used to kill mice and rats!
-Ketene is perfect for getting rid of unwelcome guests in your home!
- It is easy on your pocket as well, $499.99
To order Ketene:
Call 1(800)-555-5555
or Visit:


  1. You've convinced me, I'm going to buy some ketene.

  2. My overall opinions on this particular blog are the following:
    1.The overall appearance is essentially bland, and could use a bit more color and excitement to make it more convincing to read. Additionally, the order of the posts is a bit dissarrayed but organized well enough to suffice a chemistry student, but not a random observer.
    2.Every picture in this blog is relevant to the topic, as well as accurate in overall correctness. It could have a picture of what ketene looks like however, but other than that, it is accurate and relevant, and an overall good job was done with fitting the criteria of this particular section.
    3.Polarity is accurately represented, and also is well summed up with no obvious factors missing. This particular section fits the criteria as well.
    4.The intermolecular forces are very well-interpreted, however, there appears to be no description about how each force is present in the molecule or also a physical representation. They are well-defined, however, but knowing how the forces are present in this particular molecule would suffice the reader of the blog with no essential knowledge of chemistry.
    5.The ad is very quirky and also convincing because ketene appears to be an extremely deadly molecule, and is represented in such a way that it is almost as convincing as Billy Mays selling Oxi-Clean. This particular section fits the criteria well too!

  3. The overall appearance of your blog comes across as an aesthetically pleasing blend of both simplistic design subtle flashiness. The background remains a dull grey, while the font comes through as a luminescent, glowing green, that adds life to the otherwise dull display. As for the representation of the information, a little more color could have been used, but otherwise, all information is satisfactory and correct; the polar identifications, intermolecular forces descriptions, and drawings are all accurate. Also, the ad comes across as very convincing and persuasive; as Andrew said above, it seems to evoke the spirit of Billy Mays selling Oxi-Clean, or Mighty Putty. Overall, while the blog might appear uninteresting to an outside reader, and could use a small amount more of pizzazz, it meets all of the requirements, and is a job well done.
