Saturday, February 26, 2011

Buy Ketene!

Ketene is now available to militaries and exterminators around the world!
-Ketene is a colorless gas which has a very irritating odor.
-Ketene causes irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and lungs of humans.
-It is poisonous and is great for war!
-It is also used to kill mice and rats!
-Ketene is perfect for getting rid of unwelcome guests in your home!
- It is easy on your pocket as well, $499.99
To order Ketene:
Call 1(800)-555-5555
or Visit:

Forces of Attraction

If a C2H2O came next to another C2H2O, there would be three types of Forces of Attraction that would occur. The three forces acting on this molecule are London Dispersion Forces, Dipole-Dipole and Hydrogen bonding.
London Dispersion Forces: A weak force of attraction between two molecules created by temporary dipoles caused by elections moving around two atoms.
Dipole-Dipole: An electrostatic atraction between the poitive end of a dipole and the negative end of another dipole.
Hydrogen Bonding: A special case of dipole-dipole where a temporary covalent bond occurs between a hydrogen of one molecule and a Oxygen, Nitrogen or Fluorine of another molecule.


Ketene is polar because there are an uneven distribution of electrons so there is an uneven charge. There is a positive charge where the Hydrogens are and and a negative charge where the oxygen is as you can see from the dash model before.

Covalent of Ionic???
Different words are used in front of either covalent of ionic to further describe the bond that is being analyzed after the difference of electronegativity is determined.
Absolutely Covalent- a difference of 0                       Very Little Ionic- a difference of 1.8-2.0
Very Covalent- a difference of .1-.5                          A Little Ionic- a difference of 2.1-2.4
Somewhat Covalent- a difference of .6-1.1               Somewhat Ionic- a difference of 2.5-3.0
A Little Covalent- a difference of 1.2-1.5                  Very Ionic- a difference of 3.1-3.4
Very Little Covalent- a difference of 1.6                    Absolutely Ionic- a difference of 3.5

Electronegativity of Bonds in Ketene
H  ----- C
2.2        2.5  --> difference of .3
This bond is very covalent

C ------ C
2.5         2.5 --> difference of 0.0
This bond is absolutely covalent

C ------ O
2.5         3.5 --> difference of 1.0
This bond is somewhat covalent

Dash Model

This molecule is linear because it has no central atom.

This molecule can also have another shape.


The molecule I have chosen is C2H2O which is Ketene, another name for Ketene is Ethenone.

3-D picture of C2H2O